My Android Summit keynote refers to many of my blog posts, and I want to provide links for people to read more. I could stuff all the links in the slide deck, but I decided to try something fun: Live tweet my own talk.
I used Quicktime to record my talk rehearsal, and watch the video with a pencil and note pad to jot down the minute marks that I am on a topic with a relevant blog post.
With the timings, I schedule the tweets to using Buffer so they go live as I speak.
Final touch for my #AndroidSummit2015 keynote: Scheduling tweets to be posted as I speak. Next: Pack! 💼
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 28, 2015
Ask people to follow
I put my twitter handle on every slide, and tell people to follow me so they can get the relevant links as I speak. People were really surprised to get notifications for my tweets while I was clearly still on stage busy speaking!
Sharing brings you expertise. Don't believe me? Explain ListView to a friend. You will know it way better afterwards. #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Blogging formula for technical articles: #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
How to start #Sketchnoting: An Engineer's Approach #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Blogging formula for conference reports: Embed tweets, photos and sketchnotes #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
I have nothing to say: My Ignite talk on how to generate talk ideas. Yes, very meta. #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Best perk about speaking at conferences? You get to meet other speakers and learn from them. #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Resources on writing better proposals to speak at conferences: #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
CFP (call for proposals) for Android conferences: #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
It is okay to say "I don't know". You are there to share your experience, not to be a walking encyclopedia. #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Slides for my "How to be an Android Expert" keynote: Mostly pictures, so stay tuned for video. #AndroidSummit2015
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) September 30, 2015
Inline coding questions will not be answsered. Instead, ask on StackOverflow and put the link in the comment.
That works in conferences where talks start on time. In Brazil there wasn't a single conference I spoke into that my talk started precisely at the time it was scheduled to, unfortunately.