Sunday, March 22, 2015

Write/Speak/Code: Speak

The second day of Write/Speak/Code is dedicated to speaking: writing a talk proposal, and giving a lightning talk.

Work in pairs

We started the day with a few exercise to brainstorm talk ideas and find a partner with similar interests. Each pair worked together throughout the day to write the talk proposal and prepare the lightning talk. Thisbuddy system is a brilliant idea, not only to bound off ideas during the day but also to hold each other accountable after the conference ended. I hope everyone will keep in touch with her partner and push each other to propose to conferences, help each other refine the talks, and cheer for each other as we all step on the stage!

Conference Organizer Panel

To help us write better proposals, Write/Speak/Code put together a panel of conference organizers, sharing their experience on the other side of the table.

After the panel, we split into small groups, and speaker mentors gave feedback to the talk proposals written earlier.

Speaking Effectively About Your Work

Next lecture is from Melissa Collom on how to create engaging presentations.

Lightning talks

Just like Write day ended with writing, Speak day ended speaking: give a lightning talk! Each talk was recorded, so everyone received feedback on the spot and can also go back to watch and review their talk.

This is a part of the Write/Speak/Code series. Read more: Intro, Write, Code.

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